The Military

My soul fainteth for thy salvation: but I hope in thy word.

The military is a necessary part of any country; they fight enemies and help with natural disasters and man-made disasters. In other words, they are the security forces of any nation.

The Army deals with ground issues; the Air Force deals with aircraft and missiles.

The Navy deals with the security of the ocean.

The Coast Guard deals with the security of the shores of the country that they protect.

The National Guard deals with struggles inside the country.

Militaries have been around since before Abraham was born. They started out just a bunch of guys with thick clothes on and swords in their hands fighting a common enemy.

Later, warriors progressed to the mighty Roman army that ruled the world for centuries…

To the great Mongolian empire with one of the greatest armies in the world…

To the British army with the empire stretching at one time from the United States to India…

To the United States…

To the undefeated army of the world: Israel.

In my opinion the worst war in the world was World War 2. Over 6,000,000 Jews died along with innumerable soldiers and civilians.

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